Capoeira History
abuse and hard work that makes today's art capoeira. Anyone who wants to learn capoeira needs to first learn about the foundation's rich history.
Portugal sent thousands of African slaves into their colonies from the 16th until the 19th century. In fact, Brazil is the most common destination for slaves who were shipped across the Atlantic Ocean. Portuguese attempt to further suppress the culture of the slaves' and a spirit that gave rise to capoeira was born. Against the slave-dance style provides the perfect opportunity to practice them in secret resistance while maintaining their culture. After the end of slavery was abolished, freed slaves moved to the cities in Brazil only to find no work is available. Very high levels of poverty drove many capoeiristas to join or form street gangs. Capoeira later linked with criminal activity which caused the government to destroy the efforts of nothing. In 1890, the martial arts was banned in Brazil. Persecution became so severe that they are apostates capoeiristas Achilles tendon will be cut as punishment. It is currently the apelidos (nickname) began to be used. They prevented the police from learning the true identity of people. To this day, when there were baptized into Capoeira at batizado ceremony, they are often given a apelido. In 1918, the persecution of art is dead.
Today, capoeira was divided into two styles, Capoeira Angola and Capoeira Regional. They can be traced back to two-Mestres (masters), and Mestre Mestre Pastinha biMBA each. In 1937, Mestre biMBA make art national sport when he was allowed to open the first capoeira school in Brazil. Mestre Pastinha followed in 1942 with the opening of the school's first capoeira Angola. Her students even wore black pants and yellow t-shirt after the team's favorite soccer Mestre Pastinha and Angola for many practitioners today still wear the color combination. From these humble beginnings, capoeira has grown in popularity and practitioners around the world. This martial art born in the basement has grown to become mainstream and can be seen from Hollywood for local schools.
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