Minggu, 27 Juni 2010

Music and Capoeira

Music is an important element for the art of Capoeira. Rhythmic beats that echoed from the berimbau (Capoeira's main tool, bent like), beating drums, and sounds are abundant of all the participants sang a Capoeira add dynamic energy. In fact, almost impossible to play capoeira without music. There will be no rhythm, and because it moves and kicks depending on the rhythm and time, there will be no capoeira. This is what separates art form capoeira from other Martial Arts. The Berimbau is a bow-like instrument held taught by a single string and use the pumpkins remain on the bottom for a resonator. Notes made by using a combination of stone or a coin to turn the field and stick to strike the string. Although this is one of the oldest instruments in the world and simple, a novice would be hard to handle. But in the hands of skilled masters, melody and rhythm produced is phenomenal.

The Berimbau is the main instrument in Capoeira. Its rhythms dictate the type of game to be played at the Wheel. He has the ability to call for calm beautiful game or need a fast aggressive game to play. This will let a player know when to go and when to exit. History has it, that the slaves used to disguise berimbau. In the presence of the slave masters of dance such as rhythm will be played while the slave dances without harm. But in the absence of a master different rhythm to be played, showing the slaves to change their game. They are now able to train and improve their skills Capoeira needed to help them fight for freedom.

Without the music where it would Capoeira? Is it still has a rhythmic and acrobatic style of striking? Energy transfer or ax will not happen without the instruments and singing
Capoeira. This is music that provides the driving force for the vehicle that Capoeira. Without it there would be no Capoeira.

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